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Title: Interactive teaching methods as a means of developing creative activity of instrumentalist students in the context of distance learning. Scientific Bulletin of Mukachevo State University.
Authors: Filipchuk, N.V.
Filipchuk, S.V.
Hutsal, O.P.
Oleksiuk, M.V.
Ozymovska, H.V.
Keywords: information society
educational technologies
professional competence
educational efficiency
post-industrial world
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Scientific Bulletin of Mukachevo State University
Citation: Filipchuk, N.V., Filipchuk, S.V., Hutsal, O.P., Oleksiuk, M.V., & Ozymovska, H.V. (2022). Interactive teaching methods as a means of developing creative activity of instrumentalist students in the context of distance learning. Scientific Bulletin of Mukachevo State University. Series “Pedagogy and Psychology”, 8(3), 67-73. DOI: 10.52534/msu-pp.8(3).2022.67-73
Abstract: The relevance of the problem is conditioned by the need to adapt musical art to the conditions of distance education. The paper highlights the main approaches to the implementation of interactive teaching methods for instrumentalist students as an effective means of developing creative activity in the context of distance education. In the context of a pandemic, learning is being transformed into a virtual environment, in particular, a remote way of conducting training sessions. This feature requires a separate pedagogical approach to the development of skills in mastering musical instruments. Therefore, the education process needs to be updated and modernised. The purpose of the study was to determine the methods of interactive teaching of instrumentalist students. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the use of interactive teaching methods are substantiated, in particular, the essence of interactive learning is determined, the features of distance learning are determined, and methods for studying the creative activity of instrumentalist students are highlighted. The concepts of interactivity and creativity are revealed. The features of distance learning are analysed, in particular, effective educational technologies and teaching methods are determined, and cloud technologies are identified as the most effective. The method of determining creativity was used to investigate the creativeness of instrumentalist students. The study results became the basis for the effective implementation of interactive learning methods in the process of organising distance learning with instrumentalist students. The practical significance lies in the identification of the most effective interactive methods of development of creativity and the conclusion of appropriate exercises. The expediency of using interactive methods based on the study by researchers as the most effective in the process of distance learning is also substantiated.
URI: DOI: 10.52534/msu-pp.8(3).2022.67-73
Appears in Collections:Кафедра вокалу та диригентсько-хорових дисциплін

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