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Title: E-Learning Methods in Students’ Education.
Authors: Zdanevych, L.
Kruty, K.
Demianenko, O.
Pakhalchuk, N.
Perminova, L.
Garachkovska, O.
Keywords: Education
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering.
Citation: Zdanevych L., Kruty K., Demianenko O., Pakhalchuk N., Perminova L., Garachkovska O. E-Learning Methods in Students’ Education. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. 2019. Vol. 8. Issue 12. October 10, 2019. Pp. 251–256. DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.L3621.1081219 URL: Scopus.
Abstract: The rhythm of modern life and the widespread dissemination of digital technology leads us to the need to review traditional education systems. Opportunities for realizing the potential inherent in electronic training systems are revealed only if they are used. Expanding the range of educational materials used due to the possibility of multimedia tools allows improving the quality and speed of assimilation of the material. The possibilities of e-learning using multimedia technologies increase the visibility and attractiveness of educational content. Also, these technologies make it possible to demonstrate in the educational process such material that previously due to its nature (complexity, high cost, inaccessibility) could not be widely used Effective use of the opportunities provided by the Internet allows you to implement incredibly flexible and adaptive training programs. The student’s access to educational material at any convenient time from any convenient point allows the formation of the most effective curriculum program, which increases the digestibility of educational material.
Appears in Collections:Кафедра дошкільної педагогики, психології та фахових методик

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