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dc.contributor.authorZdanevych, Larysa V.-
dc.contributor.authorHonchar, Nataliia P.-
dc.contributor.authorRozhko-Рavlyshyn, Tetiana A.-
dc.contributor.authorYakovenko, Vita V.-
dc.contributor.authorBalla, Liudmyla V.-
dc.identifier.citationLarysa V. Zdanevych, Nataliia P. Honchar, Tetiana A. Rozhko-Рavlyshyn, Vita V. Yakovenko, Liudmyla V. Balla (2021). Experiential approach in future teacher training for work with children in the context of preschool inclusive education. AD ALTA: Journal Of Interdisciplinary Research, (11/01-XVI.), 72–77. (Експерієнціальний підхід у підготовці майбутніх вихователів до роботи з дітьми в умовах дошкільної інклюзивної освіти) Web of Scienceuk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe development of inclusive preschool education in Ukraine largely depends on the professionalism of preschool teachers. Research shows that their practical training for work with children in an inclusive environment is insufficient. One of the effective ways to solve this problem is an experiential approach in future teacher training for work with children in the context of inclusive preschool education. Therefore, the objective of our study is to empirically test the proposed experiential approach, which involved teaching students through practical experience according to the Pfeiffer’s model. The experimental group received practical training according to the above experimental method; the control group was trained according to the traditional one.uk_UA
dc.publisherAD ALTA: Journal Of Interdisciplinary Research. Web of Scienceuk_UA
dc.subjectExperiential educationuk_UA
dc.subjectPractical training of teachersuk_UA
dc.subjectInclusive preschool educationuk_UA
dc.subjectEducational coachinguk_UA
dc.subjectLearning styles and techniquesuk_UA
dc.titleExperiential approach in future teacher training for work with children in the context of preschool inclusive education.uk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:Кафедра дошкільної педагогики, психології та фахових методик

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