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Title: Usage of foresight-games, swot-analysis and the internet resources as the most effective forms of teaching organization in the process of preparation of the future tutors to the work with children under school age
Authors: Zdanevych, Larysa
Keywords: future tutor
professional preparation
children of pre-school age
method SWOT-analysis
multimedia presentation
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Миколаїв : МНУ імені В.О. Сухомлинського
Citation: Zdanevych Larysa. Usage of foresight-games, swot-analysis and the internet resources as the most effective forms of teaching organization in the process of preparation of the future tutors to the work with children under school age / Науковий вісник Миколаївського національного університету імені В.О. Сухомлинського. Педагогічні науки : збірник наукових праць / за ред. проф. Тетяни Степанової. № 2 (57), травень 2017. Миколаїв : МНУ імені В.О. Сухомлинського, 2017. С. 202–206.
Abstract: Analysis of using interactive methods of teaching interworking in the process of preparation of the future tutors of pre-school educational establishments to the work with children of pre-school age has been done in the article. It is mentioned that the method of SWOT-analysis, foresight-games and the Internet resources (blogs, skype-lectures, multimedia presentations, etc.) are efficient means of preparation of the future tutors to the work with children of pre-school age. It is found out that ability of a student to think, to see the object of research «from the side», are prior in conducting SWOT-analysis as a method for preparation of the future specialists; the technology of foresight has guaranteed optimal opportunity for development of students’ ability to solve their future professional tasks. Foresight is the technology of long-term prognostication of scientific-technological and social development, based on the experts’ inquiry. The attention is concentrated on the fact that to media resources belong: the press (newspapers, magazines, books), radio, television, the Internet, cinematograph, sound recordings and video recordings, videotext, teletext, billboards and advertising, home video centers, which combine television, telephone, computer and other lines of connection. To multimedia educational technologies also belong electronic resources, video materials, instruments of WEB 2.0: forums and blogs, webinars, podcasts, video conferences, virtual worlds, electronic libraries, WIKI. Didactic abilities of video materials have been singled out.
Appears in Collections:Кафедра дошкільної педагогики, психології та фахових методик

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